Friday, May 1, 2015

Hey MSP sparkles! Have you seen that  "PHOTOS" has been created on MSP. For me, personally.. i added my real facebook profile pic (not showing soz), but what about the others? What about attention seekers and drama queens/kings out there who post fake pics? Sigh.. there are alot, and they make an internet war :T. One of my friends, *Protected* showed us a fake pic of herself one day ago, and apologised to us showing another fake pic of herself.. whaaaaa? She totally won their hearts, but i knew i had seen that photo somewhere before... so.. IN YO FACE!! Ok that was too much .. but yup.. this gurl wont grow up.. Anyways.. 

Lets just think about pros, like, you can REALLY show someone your face, and people will get to know you. A sad thing is that VIPs can add as many photos they want and, Non VIPs have 1 photo per day. Yep, they always win. 

As for me, im tots sure that i wont get VIP this year. #NonVIPButSweet

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hii! This is a blog about me. My name is Amanda Lebron James, and i play MSP. My life is sometimes a hurricane, and i dont feel like i belong to the world. I am bullied from everyone, including my family. I also have friends that i dont seem to fit into. They mostly are my friends to know all my secrets and then spread them like webs. I dont really care. With a good enough  laptop and a personal room... I can create my own world by entering in MovieStarPlanet. I have some movies, that kind of suck (I know), but i dont really seem to care about that too. If you hate me, (if you are one of my  haters) please just close this tab and go live a happy life. You can find me on MSP USA as xMandyMeowx. I am planning to do another account for UK as well.. Add me! c:

Rumors Are just Rumors, so if you hear a stupid story about me, just ignore it.